Hi all!
School is starting soon! I'm back on the 27th and I couldn't be more excited. [As you might notice from the school supply spam below. xD]
In case you might not have noticed things on Typing Tiara have been changing. Specifically, I keep switching review dates around. Well, not so much switching review dates around since I'm using the same basic scheme as always [Monday, Thursday and Saturday]...but more along the lines of trying to see which days work best for me.
Well, I'm going into the final semester of my bachelor's degree [I GRADUATE IN DECEMBER! Hopefully.] and its going to be a crazy intensive semester jam-packed with readings for my classes...even the prep time before the semester starts is giving me a workout so I know I'm not going to keep going at the three review a week pace. I just can't handle reading that much on top of what is required for my degree.
So I'm wanting to cut back to either one or two reviews a week.
I had thought about cutting Monday's review [You might have noticed that its the day frequently missing now.] but I'm not entirely sure. So I thought I'd do a Tiara Talk and ask you, my readers!
Which days do you like tuning into Typing Tiara for reviews? Should I quit Saturday Shorts? Which features/posts do you enjoy the most? Lemme know!
While I plan on taking all of your opinions into consideration, I can't make any promises...I'll just have to see what works best for me in the long run. But please, if you have any tips/points [including in regards to surviving this semester and grad school apps!] or if there's something you'd like to see more of on the blog then let me know either in the comments below or e-mail me at typingtiarablog@yahoo.com. [:
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