Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Once Upon A Read-a-Thon 2012 Wrap-Up

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Books Read:
Defiance by C.J. Redwine
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
Troll or Derby by Red Tash

Total Pages Read:

I didn't do nearly as well with the read-a-thon as I had hoped to. I mean I did say I wanted to read and review three to four books, which I did manage to do but I had secretly hoped I would do a heck of a lot better and yet I just barely pulled that off. The reading slump I've been stuck in lately was seriously working against me. 

But on the brightside I had a lot of fun with the challenges and flitting from blog to blog making new friends and finding new bloggers to follow so I feel I came out pretty well in those regards.

So I'm okay with what I accomplished. But next year, next year I'm going to have the biggest stack of verse novels I can find and I'm going to kick my favorite competitor's butt. She knows who she is. xD

EDIT: And by this I mean Angela over at Reading Angel totally kicked my butt. She out-read me. She is the Queen of the Read-a-Thon. She traded in her halo for a tiara (that is apparently purple and covered in butterflies and books). [But I'm totally going to kick her butt in her Page Count Contest! Muhahahahaha!]

So, how did you guys do? :]


  1. Oh no, you edit this post right now and tell them all your REAL secret desire!! Tell them all that you had really hoped to secretly BEAT ME! haha, but that you were DEFEATED HORRIBLY!!! ;P BWAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. I just knew soon as I saw there was a comment on this post I just knew it was you coming to call me out on that. KNEW IT.

    Sigh. I was defeated horribly. You are the victor. You get to wear the virtual tiara. You are Queen of the Read-a-Thon. xD

  3. I ALWAYS wanted a virtual tiara!! Can it be purple with butterflies and books????

  4. Its your virtual tiara. As Tim Gunn would say, "Make it work!" xD

    1. First off, LOOK!! It's a reply button!! How cool is that?!?! Second! You win for editing your post! :D You are my new favorite person in the whole wide blogosphere! :D

    2. It is a reply button! It just magically appeared all POOF-like. I'm kind of digging the reply button. And I win! I like winning. I think that's what gets us into trouble. LOL. And aw, thank you! I will try to live up to my title as favorite person in the whole wide blogosphere...I feel I should be wearing a sash that announces this to the world. xD

    3. Yes, I shall wear the tiara and you shall wear a sash like Miss America. What shall your sash look like?

    4. I'm thinking it shall be bright pink and covered in bling.

  5. LMAO you gals are hilarious! Gah, I failed the read-a-thon...don't even bring UP the Page Count Contest! I can't even remember if I put the last book I read in the form, but it's only been one book for that too. What's wrong with me?!

    1. LOL. We kind of are, aren't we? As for the Page Count Contest, I haven't been doing too good this month. I think I two novellas for the first week? Maybe. I can't quite remember. The read-a-thon helped me out this week but that reading slump is killing me. I'm thinking of doing a marathon of books I really enjoy to try and defeat it. Maybe doing the same would help you?

  6. Glad you got lots read. There's always next year to beat Angela! :)

    1. There is always next year. I think I need to enter into some marathon like training. LOL.

  7. Ha! I love the healthy competition here. Good job on everything you got read! I met all my goals, but they were very modest. ;-)

    Reading With My Eyes Shut

    1. I'm a fan of it too, seems to keep us both going when we'd often like to just slink away. And thank you! Congrats on meeting your goals too. :]

  8. You met your goals and had fun! Sounds like a success to me:)

    1. I like the way you look at things. You're right. I did meet the goal I had set and I did have fun. Success! :]

  9. I think you did great! I read like 3 novellas and 2 books, so I took an easier route. I'm still in a slight reading funk though.

    1. Aw, thanks! I wish I had gone an easier route, maybe next year. And I'm still in a slight reading funk too. We'll get through it. :]

  10. I didn't do too well on this readathon, either...
    And I think you still read more than me, so great job!

    1. Aw, thanks! I think my reading slump just really worked against me. I thought having the motivation of the read-a-thon would snap me right out of it. WRONG. But I am reading again so I guess that is a plus. :]

  11. Wow, i think you did superb!!!!!! That is still an achievement, given the fact it was only 3 days, i only read 2 lol and only read 4 in a week long readathon. You did LOADS of blogging and chatting with people too, so you should be proud of yourself :) congrats!
    Yep Angela is most defnitely the queen, sickening really, haha joking!

  12. Thank you! You did really well I think.

    And thank you!
