Note: These are the top five books, as of right now, that I've READ this year so they might not have been published this year. And for the sake of my sanity they are in no particular order.

(1) Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson - I don't think it is humanly possible for me to rave about this series more than I already have. I LOVE IT. Best adult fantasy that I've ever read. If you haven't tried it yet then you should, even if fantasy isn't your genre of choice.
(2) Queen's Own by Mercedes Lackey - If Tamora Pierce (my introduction to YA fantasy, fantasy in general really, and the start of my love of the genre) wrote Adult Fantasy this would be it. The characters were fantastic, the story captivating, and I just found it hard to put down. Even better? There are more books set in this same universe. (Sound familiar?)
(3) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith - I only wish I had read this classic sooner. Middle school me would have been head over heels in love; not that I wasn't at this age, just saying that it was exactly what I needed to hear back then. It is a beautiful coming of age story about a young female reader; a story that goes all the way through her life, and that of her family. It's one of those books (along with the Mistborn trilogy) that'll I probably be gifting everyone at Christmastime this year. Spoilers! ^.-
(4) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - Do I even need to rave about this one at this point? It seems between the book blogging community and the booktubers everyone and their mother has read it. AND WITH GOOD REASON. I don't think I've ever read a book where I related to the main character more. I cannot wait to own a physical copy of this book because I just want to reread it over, and over, and over again.
(5) Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu - First, just look at that beautiful cover! Think it's one of the most gorgeous you've ever seen? Just wait until you open it up! This is one of the most beautifully written retellings that I've ever had the chance to read. And it's middle grade! Who doesn't need more middle grade in their life?
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