Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wishing on Wednesday [43]

Wishing and hoping, and thinking and praying...

Goodreads Summary: "Aoife Grayson must face death to win back Dean—the love who was ripped from the Iron Lands of the living when he was shot in the arctic north. But getting to the Deadlands is something that Aoife can't do on her own. And if she can find a way there, Tremaine would surely never allow it. He has sworn to keep her in the Thorn Lands, the fairie home of her mother, Nerissa. But Aoife is determined to find her way out. And she has no trouble if that means she has to kill Tremaine and his queen to do it.
The first book in this series was okay, likable even towards the end. The second one? I really liked where the book was going even when it got a little crazy. The world-building, the creation, its all kind of intense and a lot to take in. But extremely fascinating. And again, CRAZY. I can't wait to see how everything is wrapped up in this third book, or at least I hope its wrapped up and explained. Why? Because Caitlin Kittredge has a whole heck of a lot of explaining to do. ;]


  1. I like that the girl in the cover doesn't have the typical blonde hair or black hair girl you always see on covers

    1. I hadn't really noticed that! You're totally right though, she is more of a true brunette for a change. :]

  2. HAHA, I love that you say she has a lot of explaining to do ;P
    I have the first in this series on the Mountain of Madness ;P

    1. SHE DOES. You read it and find out for yourself. LOL. Actually, don't quite yet if you still have that reading slump. The first zillion pages or so are SLOW.

      Maybe we should schedule a playdate for my TBR Pile of Doom and your Mountain of Madness, that way they can stop glaring at us for awhile. xD
