Wishing and hoping, and thinking and praying...
"Wish. Love. Desire. Live.
Sixteen-year-old Noli Braddock's hoyden ways land her in an abusive reform school far from home. On mid-summer's eve she wishes to be anyplace but that dreadful school. A mysterious man from the Realm of Faerie rescues her and brings her to the Otherworld, only to reveal that she must be sacrificed, otherwise, the entire Otherworld civilization will perish."
Steampunk AND faeries? YES PLEASE. I am in total love with this cover and the mixture of the two concepts (steampunk and the fey) really appeals to me. There aren't a lot of ratings up yet, possibly because it doesn't release until August, but the few that are up are raving about it. I can't wait to read it for myself! :D
First time hearing/seeing this book. It sounds really interesting! I'm going to add it to my TBR pile.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear that! :]